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January 8, 2008
Town of Wellfleet - Board of Selectmen
Wellfleet Public Library
January 8, 2008
Regular Meeting - Minutes

The meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m. by Chairwoman Jacqui Beebe.  Selectmen present included Michael May, Ira Wood and Dale Donovan.  Selectmen Jerry Houk was absent. Town Administrator Paul Sieloff also attended.

I.      Public Hearing
Shellfish Grant
Ralph Bassett requesting ½ acre shellfish grant on Lieutenant Island.
Shellfish Constable Andy Koch approved of the request.
MOTION: To move that the Board of Selectmen vote to approve the request for the use of the ½ acre.
Motion by:  Ira Wood            Seconded by:  Michael May.              Yea 4      Nay  0

Requested for Extended Closure of Licensed Business
Robert Drew, representing the Lighthouse Restaurant, requesting closure of the restaurant for the winter while retaining their annual liquor license.
Represented by Robert Drew.
MOTION: To move that the Board of Selectmen vote to approve the request for an extended closure of the Lighthouse Restaurant.
Motion by:  Ira Wood            Seconded by:  Michael May.              Yea 4      Nay  0

II.     Open Session & Announcements
¨       Jacqui Beebe would like to introduce and welcome the Town Administrator Paul Sieloff.
¨       Ira Wood announced that Harriet Korim and others will be conducting a walking meditation honoring Martin Luther King on Saturday January 15th.
¨       Fire Chief Silverman informed the board that on March 6th at noon will be the official ground breaking of the Fire Station.
¨       Helen Miranda Wilson would like the board & committee charges posted on the website.

III.    New Business
1.      Comprehensive Wastewater Management Planning Committee – draft mission statement and organization of committee.
Postponed till future meeting. See memo from Health Agent
2.      Appointments
¨       Jan Worthington – Part Time Telecommunicator
¨       Christopher Pierson – Part Time Dispatcher
¨       Peter Watts – Local Housing Partnership
¨       Alex Hay – Comprehensive Wastewater Management Planning Committee
¨       John Duane – change to full member on Shellfish Advisory Board
3.      Dennis O’Connell, representing Friends of Wellfleet Libraries, requesting use of Town Hall North driveway and lawn on July 13th & August 10th from 7am – 1pm for the Annual Summer Book Sales. (Rain Dates requested: July 20th & August 17th)
MOTION: To move that the Board of Selectmen vote to approve the above appointments and approve  use of Town Hall Property by the Friends of Wellfleet Libraries.
Motion by:  Dale Donovan                Seconded by:  Michael May.              Yea 4      Nay  0

4.      Shellfish Advisory Committee request discussion regarding permits.
Postponed till future Meeting.

IV.     Old Business
1.      Vendor Bill payment of 12/12/07 & process for future.
Jacqui Beebe spoke to the public about Chapter 30B, procurement procedures. She suggested:
1)      New TA meet with Town Accountant & Treasurer
2)      Vendor Warrant get to Selectmen’s office by Friday
3)      Any communication that comes from TA’s office to Town Counsel will be reviewed
4)      TA work with BOS for new contracts
a.      First look at Charter
b.      Look at existing policy
c.      TA make a recommendation
d.      BOS make determination
e.      BOS vote and sign

V.      Correspondence
Mr. Wood reviewed the correspondence report dated 12/12 – 1/07.

VI.     Minutes
1.      December 11, 2007
2.      December 18, 2007
MOTION: To move that the Board of Selectmen vote to approve the December 11 & 18, 2007 minutes as written.
Motion by:  Ira Wood.           Seconded by:   Michael May.             Yea  4     Nay  0

VII.    Future Meetings/Agendas
1.      Goals for new TA
2.      Budget discussions with the Finance Committee
¨       January 15th at the COA
¨       January 29th at the Library
3.      Policy recommendations on computerization from the Finance Committee
4.      Policy Statement from the BOS
Jacqui Beebe would like the board to review last year’s budget statement. She suggested: ”An operating budget for FY2009 will avoid an override without merely deferring expenditures to coming years”
MOTION: To move that the Board of Selectmen vote to approve FY2009 Budget Statement.
Motion by:  Jacqui Beebe.               Seconded by:   Dale Donovan.            Yea  4     Nay  0

MOTION: To move that the Board of Selectmen enter executive session and not to reconvene in open session for union negotiations matters.
Motion by:  Dale Donovan.               Seconded by:   Michael May.             Yea  4     Nay  0
Roll call (May, Beebe, Donovan and Wood – yea)

The regular meeting adjourned at 7:45 p.m.
                                                               Respectfully submitted,

Elizabeth G. Hartsgrove
Executive Assistant